Multiple IEs
6 May 2009
I’m trying to get IE8, IE7 and IE6 playing nicely on the same machine. Really really want this for testing – and I’m having a devil of a job with it. I’ve:
- Used the Microsoft installer to upgrade the regular IE7 to IE8.
- Installed IE7 Standalone to get IE7 working
- Used the Multiple IE installer from Tredsoft to get IE6 setup.
I’m now having a problem with forms – basically it’s not possible to click into or set focus on any text field when I’m using IE7 or IE6. This makes testing web applications surprisingly difficult.
In addition, when looking at pages with IE6, I get continual dialog popup which reads “An error has occurred in this dialog. Error:84 Unspecified error.”
Other people have reported the issue of form selects not dropping down, instead triggering the popup blocker notification but I haven’t had that problem (yet)
As well as the Tredsoft installer, I’ve used the Internet Explorer Collection (This last isn’t much referenced – I think it’s because it lacks any details about who/what/why and wherefore.) Easy neat install, but exactly the same problems with forms.