Carbon Dating

16 May 2020

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Over the years, I’ve built a whole library of helper functions for working with dates in php, but I think they’re all a thing of the past now. Because I’ve been playing with Carbon Date library by Brian Nesbitt. It’s best described as Php’s DateTime for humans.

Here follows a quick summary, but I’m just looking at the very tip of the iceberg. Lots more!

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Using Bootstrap Modals with Laravel

9 May 2020

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I use modal popups all over the place in my web applications. The most frequent use is to make the user confirm deletion, either by typing DELETE into a form or by giving a reason for deleting the item in question. And I want to make this work in Laravel.

Note: this is klunky.  I’ve been playing with Laravel for a few weeks and if I end up using it as an ongoing development platform, then yes, things will be rewritten.

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