Weblog Style

2 Sep 2006


Well overdue – but I’ve finally reworked the wordpress templates so this weblog has the same style and layout as the rest of my site. It hasn’t taken that long, an evening, but there are so many other things on the to-do list which take precedence, especially if they are for other people.

The site design is by Kuldeep Salhan, not me. Design is something I’d far rather pass on to someone else – I have no visual flair and don’t enjoy faking it.

Playing nicely with WordPress

9 Feb 2006

I’m not very keen on the wordpress auto-formatting which replaces newlines with html linebreaks; I’ve been using HTML for so long now that I automatically type in the markup I want and (Damnit-Janet) I don’t want to see
unless I put it there myself.

The auto-formatting really should have a disable/enable option, and I’ve been looking at the code to try and understand how the text flows and where it gets formatted.

To turn if off, I have to edit wp-includes\\default-filters.php and comment out the wpautop filter.

// add_filter('the_content', 'wpautop');
// add_filter('the_excerpt', 'wpautop');

But then I have to look at the excerpts and user comments – no quick fixes here.


7 Feb 2006

Playing with wordpress themes. Most of those I’ve found make me think that a graphic designer somewhere is getting a little bit over-excited, and needs to have some quiet time. I had to remove every single image except the header bar out of this theme before I was happy with it. More exploring and experimenting in order.